Fittr vs. HealthifyMe: A Comparison of Fitness and Nutrition Apps

Fittr vs. HealthifyMe: A Comparison of Fitness and Nutrition Apps

In today’s fitness world, comparing Fittr vs. HealthifyMe has become essential for users seeking top-notch fitness apps. Both Fittr and HealthifyMe offer unique features to support users’ fitness goals. In this comprehensive comparison, we will delve into the similarities, differences, and effectiveness of Fittr and HealthifyMe in helping users achieve their fitness objectives. Overview of […]

All You Need to Know About Suryanamaskar

All You Need to Know About Suryanamaskar

Suryanamaskar is an ancient Indian practice of physical and spiritual exercise that has been around for thousands of years. In this article, we will explore the history of Suryanamaskar, the steps, its various benefits, tips for performing it, precautions to take, the best time to perform it, and more. Let’s get started! Introduction to Suryanamaskar […]

Cat Pose at Home – the right way

Cat Pose at Home – the right way

Yoga has been a popular form of exercise for centuries, offering a range of physical and mental benefits. One of the more popular poses, the Cat Stretch, is easy to do at home and can help improve flexibility and posture. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to do the Cat Stretch yoga pose, […]

Pigeon Pose: How to do it?

Pigeon Pose: How to do it?

Unlocking your inner strength is a powerful thing. The practice of yoga has been around for centuries, offering individuals the opportunity to find strength, balance, and peace within. One of the most popular poses of yoga is the pigeon pose. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll explore the many benefits of the pigeon pose and how […]

Yoga for PCOS

Yoga for PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent endocrine disorder impacting 1 in 10 women around the world. Those with this disorder may experience irregular or exceptionally long menstrual cycles, as well as elevated androgen levels. Furthermore, their ovaries may accumulate with fluid-filled follicles and be unable to produce eggs regularly. While there is no one-size-fits-all […]

HealthifyMe vs – a detailed comparison

HealthifyMe vs – a detailed comparison

HealthifyMe vs – is it a question in your mind? We know they are a trend, especially amongst the youth. But both of them seem similar so which one should you go with? If you too are looking for this answer, you have landed in the right place. Here, in this article, we are […]

Camel Pose: The ultimate guide

Camel Pose: The ultimate guide

The camel pose is a backbend and an advanced asana in the Hatha yoga tradition. It is also known as the Ustrasana and is in the Padmasana family of asanas. Although it is an advanced pose, it is one of the most effective poses to open your chest allowing you to take a deep breath […]

23 Yoga poses for 2023

23 Yoga poses for 2023

At the start of a fresh year, motivation is at its peak and is the ideal time to try something new (like these yoga poses 😉). If you were admiring yoga throughout 2022 but never took a step, 2023 is the year to begin moving your body in ways that make you feel great. Whether […]

Yoga For Migraine: How To Find Relief With Yoga

Yoga For Migraine: How To Find Relief With Yoga

If you suffer from migraine headaches, you might be wondering what you can do to find relief from the pain and discomfort associated with these debilitating headaches. While medications can help, many people are turning to natural approaches to migraine management, such as yoga for migraine.  Yoga is a low-impact form of exercise that is […]

Bridge Pose: Let’s do it the right way

Bridge Pose: Let’s do it the right way

Although many yoga poses may seem intimidating to those who are new to the practice, Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) should not be one of them. It is usually one of the first poses taught to beginners and can help them master more complicated postures in the future. This backbend is a classic and offers […]

Plow Pose: Let’s do it the right way

Plow Pose: Let’s do it the right way

Halasana (hah-LAHS-ah-nah) hala = plow Plow Pose is a yoga posture that involves inverting the body and stretching the back and the shoulders, aiding in invigorating the nervous system. It has a calming effect on the nerves, the brain, and the heart, which is why it is customarily done at the end of a yoga session […]

<strong>5 Tips to Help You Master the Frog Pose</strong>

5 Tips to Help You Master the Frog Pose

The frog pose might be easy to dismiss as a simple, beginner-level pose that doesn’t require much effort. After all, you’re probably used to more challenging poses by now. But don’t let its apparent simplicity fool you; the frog pose is a complicated posture that requires flexibility and strength in your hips, knees, and ankles. […]

Eye yoga to get a better vision

Eye yoga to get a better vision

In the past, children would use their free time to play in the sand, stones and other outdoor activities. Now, however, kids from all age groups spend their leisure time in front of the television, their mobile phones, tablets, laptops, PlayStations, and iPods. This has led to an increase in vision problems at a young […]

6 Yoga Mudra For Weight Loss You Must Try!

6 Yoga Mudra For Weight Loss You Must Try!

There are many ways to stay fit and maintain a healthy body. If you have been trying to lose weight but are not quite able to get the results you want, try adding some yoga to your routine. When we talk of yoga, how can we not talk about yoga mudras that are essentially helpful. […]

Boat Pose or Navasana: A Step-by-Step Guide

Boat Pose or Navasana: A Step-by-Step Guide

The boat pose is an intermediate yoga posture that strengthens the core and poses a challenge for anyone practicing it. It also helps to improve balance and flexibility, as well as stamina, making it ideal for intermediate yogis who are looking to build strength from their previous levels of practice. If you’re new to yoga, […]

Down Dog vs Daily Yoga – a detailed comparison

Okay, we know why you are here. You want to read about Down Dog vs Daily Yoga app to see which one is the right for you. Be it in terms of features, prices, or usability… Right? Here, in this article, we are going to talk about the features, pros, and cons of both apps. […]

Morning drinks for weight loss

Morning drinks for weight loss

Losing weight is not easy. It requires careful planning and a great deal of willpower. And after the strenuous journey when one gets the desired results it is more than satisfying. And you will be surprised to know that there are some magical morning drinks for weight loss that make the weight loss journey easier […]

How to Do the Lion Pose: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Do the Lion Pose: A Step-by-Step Guide

The lion pose is one of the most popular poses in yoga. It’s also known by a variety of alternate names. In some traditions, it’s called the cat, tiger, or beast pose. Regardless of what you call it, this pose has many benefits for your body and mind. If you’re new to yoga or have […]

The Right Way to Do Cobra Pose: A Guide to Getting It Right

The Right Way to Do Cobra Pose: A Guide to Getting It Right

The cobra pose is an advanced posture in hatha yoga. It’s not for the faint of heart, but with patience and practice, you will be able to do it in no time. You need to have a strong back, flexible shoulders, and a good sense of balance. Here in this guide, we will talk about the […]

Best android yoga apps for weight loss

Best android yoga apps for weight loss

Do you love practicing yoga, but hate having to leave your home to do it? Do you find it challenging to fit into your practice and stay motivated? If this sounds like you, then you might want to consider getting a yoga app for your phone. These best android yoga apps for weight loss are […]

5 supta asanas for complete health benefits

We all look for a good and relaxing thing to go to after a long and tiring day. Something that restores the body and relieves stress. But what is that ‘something’? What if we tell you the ‘something’ we are talking about is hidden in yoga? Yes, they are the supta asanas of yoga that […]

What Is Vashisht Pranayama?

What Is Vashisht Pranayama?

Vashisht Pranayama is also known as the inverted breathing technique. It is one of the most fruitful pranayamas that not only helps you achieve peace of mind and a calm state of being but also gives your body incredible health benefits. It helps restore the natural balance in our body by activating the parasympathetic nervous […]

A Side by Side Comparison: Depression vs Anxiety

A Side by Side Comparison: Depression vs Anxiety

The human mind is a complex and mysterious thing. With so many different factors affecting it, it’s no wonder so many of us struggle with mental health issues at one point or another in our lives. These conditions can be difficult to distinguish from one another as they often share very similar symptoms.  Therefore, identifying […]

How to do the Fish Pose easily?

How to do the Fish Pose easily?

The fish pose, also called matsyasana, is a great way to open up the chest and lungs. It’s also a restful pose that can be helpful if you’re feeling fatigued.  It is an amazing yoga pose for beginners. Want to do it the right way? In this article, we are going to discuss how to […]

We analysed 55K online yoga users. Here is what we learnt about online Yoga users behaviour.

We analysed 55K online yoga users. Here is what we learnt about online Yoga users behaviour.

Recently Yog4Lyf: Yoga for Health app completed 50K Installs on Google play store. And our team decided to do an in depth analysis of online yoga user behaviour. Since we are an advocate of building company in public, the next obvious step is to share this report with the lovely community which is whole heartedly […]

Tips for Doing Salamba Sirsasana Correctly

Tips for Doing Salamba Sirsasana Correctly

When you get to a level where you can hold Vrksasana for 30 seconds and Urdhva Vrsisana for another 30 seconds, it is time to work on the more challenging asanas. Salamba Sirsasana or the supported headstand is one of them. If you are not used to practicing yoga and are new to this, it’s […]

Malasana – A great stretch pose

Malasana – A great stretch pose

Malasana is also known as Garland Pose, or the Squat Pose. Malasana stretches the hamstrings and provides a great stretch for your entire body. Malasana is not only beneficial because of its numerous benefits but also because of its simplicity. Anyone can practice this pose regardless of age or ability level. This article will teach […]

Yoga asanas to reduce belly fat for beginners at home

Yoga asanas to reduce belly fat for beginners at home

You know that yoga is good for you. You’ve seen the Instagram photos of yogis with amazing bodies, and you know that all those challenging poses are meant to be good for your body. So why don’t you go to try some yoga asanas to reduce belly fat? Maybe it’s because you think it won’t […]

बिगिनर्स के लिए योग टिप्स, जो योग यात्रा को बनायेगी आसान

बिगिनर्स के लिए योग टिप्स, जो योग यात्रा को बनायेगी आसान

इंटरनेट में योग और योग की टिप्स से भरे बहुत सारे आर्टिकल हैं, लेकिन बिगिनर्स के लिए योग टिप्स के बारे में कोई नही बताता है। अगर आप भी योग की दुनिया में बिगिनर हैं तो ये आर्टिकल आप ही के लिए है। योग हमारे जीवन के लिए बहुत आवश्यक है। योग हर उम्र के […]

Virasana: A Versatile Yoga Pose

Virasana: A Versatile Yoga Pose

When you think about it, the word “vira” can mean a lot of things. It can be a superhero or just someone who’s strong and brave. When it comes to yoga poses, there are many variations that all fall under the umbrella of vira — including Virasana. Virasana is a versatile yoga pose with many benefits. […]

Best yoga poses to reduce high blood pressure

Best yoga poses to reduce high blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a serious medical condition. It can lead to cardiovascular diseases, heart failure, and other serious health issues. High blood pressure affects almost one-third of adults worldwide and as many as 7 out of 10 people with hypertension don’t know they have it. That’s why we are here with a list […]

Thread in the Needle Yoga Pose | Benefits

Thread in the Needle Yoga Pose | Benefits

The Thread in the Needle Yoga Pose is also known as Urdhva Mukha Pasasana. In this post, we will talk about how you can perform this pose and what are its benefits. You can include this pose in your daily practice session to relieve stiffness, tightness, and tensions around the shoulders, neck and entire back […]

Agnistambhasana – perfect hip opener

Agnistambhasana – perfect hip opener

The Agnistambhasana is a perfect hip opener while giving your body the much needed stretch. So peeps, ready to give your lower body what it wants? Here is what this means in Sanskrit: ‘agni’ refers to ‘fire’, ‘stambha’ means ‘pillars’ or ‘log’ This pose is also known as the Burning log pose, Double pigeon pose, […]

Sphinx Pose for your spine

Sphinx Pose for your spine

Hi guys, how are your yoga sessions going on? We are back with one another amazing pose called the Sphinx Pose that does wonder for your spine! It is also famous by the name Salamba Bhujangasana. Don’t worry if you are finding it difficult to pronounce. This may help: SA-lumb-aa-BHu-jung-AAhs-uh-nuh. Here is what this means […]

Utkata Konasana for leg strength

Utkata Konasana for leg strength

Hello friends, let’s talk about Utkata Konasana today that helps in building leg strength and will get you warm, toned, and centered rather quickly. This yoga pose is also referred to as Fierce Angle pose. This pose is a perfect go-to pose if you are willing to take up something that will give you an […]

Cure constipation with Katichakrasana

Cure constipation with Katichakrasana

Hello friends, hope you are enjoying yoga with us. Today we will talk about Katichakrasana which is a go-to cure if you are troubled by constipation. PS: Kati Chakrasana is one of the easiest and most important asana in yoga with lots of health benefits. So, let’s find out more about it. Kati = Waist; […]

Tadagi Mudra for digestive issues

Tadagi Mudra for digestive issues

Hello friends, in the post we are going to learn Tadagi Mudra. Tadagi Mudra is one of best yogic kriyas for any kind of digestive issues. And good part about Tadagi Mudra is anyone can practice this and get benefitted by its virtues. Now let us try to understand origin of Tadagi Mudra. tadagi = […]

Supta Udrakarshanasana for a healthy spine

Supta Udrakarshanasana for a healthy spine

Practice Supta Udrakarshanasana for a healthy spine Supta means lying down or sleeping, Udara means abdomen, Akarshan means pull or stretch and Asana is a pose. You can do Supta Udarakarshanasana for a healthy spine and other benefits such as better digestion. The Supine Abdominal stretch pose or Supta Udrakarshanasana is an excellent pose to add both as a warmup pose and as […]

Plank Pose for body strength

Plank Pose for body strength

Plank Pose for body strength | Introduction | Benefits The plank pose is also known as Kumbhakasana or Phalakasana. kumbhak means breath retention, and asana means pose The plank pose for body strength is a very famous yoga asana. In the traditional practice of this plank pose, you would hold your breath for a brief moment before lowering your body into […]

An easy guide to Pyramid Pose

An easy guide to Pyramid Pose

What is Pyramid Pose or Parsvottanasana? “Parsva” — meaning “side” or “flank” ; “Ut” — meaning “intense” ; “Tan” — meaning “to stretch” ; “Asana” — meaning “pose” Pyramid pose or Parsvottanasana encourages balance, body awareness, and inspires confidence. Pyramid Pose is one of those poses where you can really see the results of consistent […]

Bhramari Pranayama 

Bhramari Pranayama 

What is Bhramari Pranayama or the Bee Breathing pose? Bhramari = bee Bhramari is the Sanskrit word for “bee,” and this pranayama is so named because of the humming sound produced at the back of the throat during the practice—like the gentle humming of a bee. This breathing technique can instantly calm the mind. It helps […]

Parivrtta Sukhasana

Parivrtta Sukhasana

What is Parivrtta Sukhasana or the Easy Seated Twist Pose? Parivrtta = Twisted; Sukha  = easy; asana = posture Parivrtta Sukhasana or the easy seated twist pose is based on the easy seating posture called Sukhasana. It is an easy posture that can be performed by all practitioners. As a twisting pose, parivrtta sukhasana is believed to […]

Warrior Pose 2

Warrior Pose 2

What is Virabhadrasana 2 or the Warrior Pose 2? Virabhadrasana 2 is the second in the series of the Virabhadrasana group of asanas. Also known as the Warrior pose 2, it is a standing lunging asana of modern yoga and is named after the mythical hero Virabhadra. He is said to have been born from […]



What is Paschimottanasana or the Seated Forward Bend Pose? Paschima =  west or the back of the body; Uttana = intense stretch; asana = pose Did you know the East is referred to as the front of the body, while the West refers to the back? Surprised? Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) is a classic pose […]



What is Balasana or the Child Pose? ‘bala’ = ‘child’ and ‘asana’ = ‘posture‘ Child’s Pose (Balasana) is yoga’s most important resting posture and it is a nice way to gently stretch various parts of your body. This is often the first pose taught to beginners. It is easy to follow and highly beneficial. If […]



What is Makarasana or the Crocodile Pose? ‘Makara’ = ‘crocodile’ and ‘asana’ = ‘posture‘ Makarasana is a deeply restorative posture that is part of the Padma Sadhana sequence. Crocodile pose relaxes the entire nervous system and is an excellent posture to use in between back strengthening poses. It resembles the resting position of a crocodile, with […]

Supt Kapotasana

Supt Kapotasana

What is Supt Kapotasana or the Reclining Pigeon Pose? supta = “supine” kapota = “pigeon” and asana = “pose” Are those tighter hips acting as hurdles to prevent you from stretching your hamstrings? Well, look no further! Supt Kapotasana or Reclining pigeon pose is all that you need to resolve your challenges. Supta kapotasana is a gentle supine posture which […]



What is Tadasana or the Mountain Pose? ‘Tada’ = ‘mountain’ and ‘asana’ = ‘pose’ Though Tadasana (Mountain Pose) might seem simple, it is actually a deeply vital foundational pose for your yoga practice. It is considered the baseline for the many other standing poses in yoga, so correctly learning this posture is essential. The foundation […]

Chakki Chalanasana

Chakki Chalanasana

What is Chakki Chalanasana or the Mill Churning Pose? Chakki = Grinder, Chalana = to drive, Asana = Posture or Pose Chakki Chalanasana yoga posture mimics the movements of a hand-moved wheat grinder, common in the villages of India. It turns out to be a fun and excellent workout for the body! Are you ready to churn all that fat […]

Top Hollywood Celebs who Got Toned by Yoga

Celebrities have to do a lot to keep their physique in shape. From hitting the gym to cardio these hollywood celebs end up trusting yoga to maintain good holistic health. With all over, these talented buddies do find some time from their busy schedule to hop on their yoga mat to try the yoga poses. […]

Jathara Parivartanasana – Your Spine’s Friend

What is Jathara Parivartanasana? jathara = abdomen · parivartana = to completely revolve · asana = pose We can refer to Jathara Parivartanasana, aka Belly Twist Pose, as a variation on Supta Matsyendrasana II (Supine Spinal Twist Pose II), but with the legs extended giving a deeper twist to the hips, lower back, and abdomen. […]

Baddha Konasana – The Best Hip Opener

Baddha Konasana – The Best Hip Opener

What is Baddha Konasana or the Butterfly Pose? Baddha = bound, Kona = angle, and Asana = pose Baddha Konasana or Bound Angle Pose improves flexibility of the muscles of the inner thighs, hips, and groins. This flexibility will help one to sit in meditative postures for a long duration. With this small introduction, let […]

Sasangasana – Focus Better

Sasangasana – Focus Better

What is Sasangasana or the Rabbit Pose? Sasanga = rabbit, asana = pose The name of Sasangasana is due to the posture that the body attains mimics that of the rabbit. It is so as in this pose the spine gets rounded and shares a similarity with the rabbit’s spine and posture. It should be […]

Yoga to eliminate Knee Pain

Yoga to eliminate Knee Pain

Suffering from Knee-pain is one of the most excruciating experiences humans go through. What was considered as a problem for people above the age of 50, is now striking to people of all ages? There are several reasons leading to this at an early age, some of which include a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, […]

Cure Migraine with help of Yoga

Cure Migraine with help of Yoga

When we hear the word Migraine, the first thing that pops up in our head is the throbbing pain and/or a pulsing sensation that comes with it. Those who are prone to Migraines know that it is not an ordinary headache. It’s a combo of headaches clubbed with nausea, vomiting, and dizziness leaving you in […]

Cure Sinusitis with Yoga!

Cure Sinusitis with Yoga!

Hello and welcome to Yog4lyf, your one-stop solution for your entire Yoga dose. So today we will be discussing Sinusitis, also referred to as Sinus, and how the practice of yoga asanas along with some breathing exercises can help you cure sinusitis. Before we indulge in the significance of yoga in the process of curing […]

Sleep Peacefully with Yoga Nidra

Sleep Peacefully with Yoga Nidra

Hello folks. I hope you are staying safe and at the best of your health while reading this. Today we will be discussing ‘Yoga Nidra’, the one-stop solution for all your sleep-related problems, anxiety, stress, and depression. A solution for all the major bodily problems, be it physical or mental. But before we discuss the […]

Hypertension in control through YOGA!

Hypertension in control through YOGA!

Hope you all are staying safe. Tough times out there! So today, we will be discussing about Hypertension commonly known as High Blood Pressure and how big of a role Yoga has in helping fight this deadly condition. Hypertension, also commonly referred to as ‘High Blood Pressure’ is a condition in which the force of […]

YOGA for Managing Diabetes!

YOGA for Managing Diabetes!

Hello friends, in this post we will learn various aspects of Yoga that we can include in our day to day life to manage with the deadly menace of diabetes. As you all know, sugar is closely linked with diabetes. Now, what exactly is Diabetes? Diabetes is a medical condition wherein the pancreas, an organ […]

Yoga for good sleep and relaxation

You might remember a time when you had full control over your sleep; you could just drift off to sleep in an instant whenever you’d like. Now, given the era we are in, your sleep is more likely to be lighter, and you might not always feel fresh and active. But don’t worry, in this […]

9 Yoga secrets to cure hair loss

9 Yoga secrets to cure hair loss

Hair is the first thing that people notice about you. The importance of healthy hair and a great hairstyle in boosting self-confidence and enhancing the overall personality of a human being cannot be overestimated. And the sad reality is todays younger generation is facing hair loss and baldness like no other generation before. Hence we […]

Yoga for weight gain

Yoga for weight gain

You must be wondering, “How can someone gain weight from yoga”, right? Well, you’ve come to the right place and in the next few minutes, you will have a completely different understanding of how yoga can help you with weight gain, and trust me, you will be amazed by it! We all have come across […]

Chakrasana – Let’s get flexible

Chakrasana – Let’s get flexible

What is Chakrasana? chakra = wheel and asana = pose The Chakrasana, or the wheel pose, is so-called because the body forms the shape of a wheel when in this posture. PS: At times, it is also known by its alternative Sanskrit name, urdhva dhanurasana, which means upward-facing bow pose. With this small introduction, let […]

Virabhadrasana 1

Virabhadrasana 1

What is Virabhadrasana 1 or the Warrior 1 pose? Vira = Hero or Warrior or Vigorous and Courageous; Bhadra = good or auspicious; Asana = Pose As the name suggests, you have to pose like a warrior in this yoga pose. The Virabhadrasana I pose helps energize you and improves your blood circulation throughout the […]

Viparita Karani – Legs up the wall

Viparita Karani – Legs up the wall

What is Viparita Karani or Legs up the wall pose? Viparita – Inverted; Karani – Doing Tiring day at the office? Or need relaxation after a long run? We know what you need! It’s Viparita Karani. It will refresh your tired legs and calm your mind. Although this pose has the word ‘wall’ in it, […]

Yoga for Menopause

Yoga for Menopause

Hello Ladies, We know being a woman is colorful and the journey of our body goes through a biological roller-coaster. Menopause is something that can be seen as ‘transition into a new phase of life’. In this article of Yoga for Menopause we will first discuss about the biological aspects of menopause. Then we will […]

Holistic Yoga Routine For Teenage Girls

Holistic Yoga Routine For Teenage Girls

Yoga has become one of the most popular health practices among teens. It is even so more beneficial for teenage girls and in this post we will cover in detail why yoga should be part of every teenage girls lifestyle. The first word that pops in our mind after hearing the word teenager is the […]

Prenatal Yoga Routine for all 3 trimesters of Pregnancy

Prenatal Yoga Routine for all 3 trimesters of Pregnancy

Hello Beautiful Moms, this Prenatal Yoga for Pregnancy blog is specially made for you, to accompany you on your journey, taking care of your mental and physical health! There is no any other phase as magnificent as the phase of childbearing for a woman. It is so new, novel bodily changes and the realization of […]

Practice Yoga for your Mental Health amid the Pandemic of Covid 19!

Practice Yoga for your Mental Health amid the Pandemic of Covid 19!

Hello Friends, I know it is a tough phase in our lives, things have become so uncertain, many of us lost jobs, lost loved ones, feeling locked up in our own houses. And the uncertainty in our lives has made us restless and anxious. In this turbulent phase it is very important to include yoga […]

Slow and Gentle Yoga for Seniors (Old Age)

Slow and Gentle Yoga for Seniors (Old Age)

As we grow old, being mentally fit is equally important as being physically fit. Old age comes with multiple medical conditions, chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc. In this post we will be discussing gentle yoga for senior citizens in the society that can help them in staying mentally and physically fit. No […]

9 yoga poses for neck pain relief in 9 minutes!

9 yoga poses for neck pain relief in 9 minutes!

Are you looking for something which helps you feel better about the neck pain you have from the time you started your day? Well, you are in the right place. Basically anyone can have neck pain at any age, sometimes neck muscles get stiff due to sleeping in the wrong position or working in the […]

10 Yoga poses for quick BACK PAIN RELIEF!

10 Yoga poses for quick BACK PAIN RELIEF!

Have you tried everything for your back pain and still can’t find a longterm solution? Well, I am very sure that this article will help you with easy to do yoga poses to get permanent relief from back pain and it will keep you wondering why did you not try this first. So, let us […]

Best 5 Breathing exercises (Pranayama) for stress and anxiety

Best 5 Breathing exercises (Pranayama) for stress and anxiety

Hello Friends, Today we are going to learn best 5 breathing exercises also known as pranayama for stress and anxiety. You must be wondering if inhaling and exhaling can really help to relieve stress and anxiety and how is it even possible, right? Well, let me tell you one thing very clearly, you know how […]

International Yoga Day with Yog4Lyf

International Yoga Day with Yog4Lyf

Hello Everyone, One of the most awaited day that I love to celebrate is International Yoga Day on 21st June. Reason behind my ecstasy is the inclusive nature of yoga in itself. Yoga embraces everyone with an open arm whether you are poor or rich, hindu or muslim, speak hindi or english. Yoga never discriminates. […]

Meditation for Stress Relief

Meditation for Stress Relief

Stress and anxiety has spread like wildfire in todays society and its really hard to find a person who has escaped this menace. This is why we have written this blog to let our readers learn meditation for stress relief. Humans keep evolving all the time and with all the levels of evolving our complexity […]

Yoga Asana (poses) to Boost Immunity

Yoga Asana (poses) to Boost Immunity

Hello friends, in this post we will understand how yoga asana helps to boost immunity and which asanas shall be performed to get maximum benefit in strengthening our immunity. How is our immunity system affected? There are many reasons for the immune system getting deteriorated. Some of them are having bad habits like smoking and […]

Yoga Pranayama (breathing) to boost immunity

Yoga Pranayama (breathing) to boost immunity

Hello friends, in this post we will learn the ancient yogic breathing techniques called pranayama and understand which pranayama are best to boost immunity. What Is the Immune System? The immune system is when the body fights against infections. The immune system attacks germs and helps keep us healthy. It can also be called our […]

Yoga for Beginners

Yoga for Beginners

Hoping that you have gone through Introduction to yoga. I am assuming you gained basic knowledge about yoga. Many of our readers were keen to know more about yoga and were wanting to know which yoga poses to begin with. This is exactly the reason why we have come come up with yoga for beginners […]

Yoga for Your Physical and Mental Well-being

Yoga for Your Physical and Mental Well-being

Everyone is busy with barely enough time for a workout or a jog in the park to maintain physical fitness. To say that today’s human being exists on a material plane and that too a chaotic one is an understatement. Lack of physical fitness and lack of internal mental harmony leads to many lifestyle-related diseases […]

Yoga to keep Coronavirus at Bay.

Yoga to keep Coronavirus at Bay.

The world is yet to find a way to battle the rampaging Coronavirus. It takes time to develop a vaccine or remedy specific to a particular strain of the novel coronavirus and by that time the virus mutates. One must hope the virus simply fades away or that immunity stands up for you. Among all […]



The majority of us are aware of the trend going around about yoga. Many celebrities promote yoga and share their personal growth and the difference they feel in their life by practicing yoga. In this post we will do introduction to yoga in a light and yet systematic manner. What is Yoga? Is Yoga some […]

Yoga- The Core to Build your Strength

Yoga- The Core to Build your Strength

For any workout or at the beginning of exercise, what comes up in our mind is to build strength. However, it’s concerned with yoga when a certain myth blows out that yoga can’t build strength. And so you have to hit the gym for the same…A big no-no! We are performing yoga from the ancient […]

Desk Yoga | 10 Yoga poses you can try at your work

Desk Yoga | 10 Yoga poses you can try at your work

Are you too busy chasing that never-ending deadline, or making perpetual efforts to meet your sales target, or simply focussing on your productivity and performance that by the end of the day, you are completely drained out and find it extremely difficult to hit the gym or workout for a bit? This is why we […]

Shirshasana – The Headstand Pose

Shirshasana – The Headstand Pose

What is Shirshasana? Shirsh = head and asana = posture Pronounced as: Shir-sh-asa-na Shirshasana is an asana that is done on the head. In this pose, the body is completely inverted; and held upright supported by the forearms and the crown of the head. The yoga headstand is nicknamed the “king” of all the asanas. […]



With our living conditions and changing world, one thing that is common, irrespective of age, everyone goes through that and it is called stress. There are no medicines which can completely nullify stress, but nevertheless one can always do activities which helps in managing the stress. Well, yoga is one of those activities which helps […]

Sparkle your Winter Love with Mindful Yoga just like Milind & Ankita

The wind blows heavy and hot when it comes to seeing the soulful fitness of Milind Soman. The marathon expert, Milind regularly updates his fans about his diet, exercises and most precisely his love… Ankita! You just blink and the couple posts a new Insta pic. Recently, the glossy pictures of Milind and Ankita from […]

Light up Your Health with Cosmic Diwali Yoga!

We Indians eagerly wait for the biggest festival of joy and that is Diwali! According to Hindu Mythology, the festival of lights is celebrated on the new moon day with full enthusiasm and zeal. This great day is a victory of Lord Rama over evil and the return of his idealized wife Sita. It is […]

Yoga in Shilpa Shetty Style

The famous Bollywood actor and fitness enthusiast, Shilpa Shetty never forgets to impress her fans with her latest fitness videos. The actor is always in the talks for sharing her fitness, diet and lifestyle tips. And in this post today we will learn to do Yoga in Shilpa Shetty style with these simple and easy […]

B’town Inspiration for Mindful Yoga!

Which Bollywood personality is your iconic role model? Well, it’s a very obvious question, but if you are willing to lose some inches and dream of a toned body like your favourite celebs then you must take a look at this mindful yoga blog. There are many Bollywood celebs who are followed by millions of […]

Route to Surya Namaskar just like Mandira Bedi!

Who said that Yoga can’t buy happiness? Here’s proof of how the television diva and film star Mandira Bedi has started her day with a positive note of Yoga. Her Wednesday workout was an absolute fit with Surya Namaskar also known as Sun Salutations. The 49-year-old actress went bold with her sharp moves. Mandira Bedi […]

Yoga for Complete Back Pain Care!

In today’s modern lifestyle which is both busy and stressful every second guy is suffering from back pain. Some are mild back pain while others have severe back pain leading to various challenges in day to day life. This is why we have written this article yoga for complete back pain care which will ensure […]

Best Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Weight Loss: The General Solution Being overweight is not a choice! Being overweight or obese is the risk of several diseases. In India, a total of 40% of the Indian population comes under the obese category. Obesity is higher in women than men. Such weight issues have reached an epidemic position in India as our […]

Apanasana – Eases the tension

What is Apanasana? apana = downward-moving life force ; asana = pose Apanasana is a relaxing supine asana performed at the end of the yoga sequence. As the name suggests, it aids in moving toxins downward, through, and out of the body. It is an amazing yoga pose for beginners since it is simple, relaxing, […]

Highly Recommended Yoga Poses for Workaholics!

After two years of the pandemic, we are out for work and it is from that particular time that we have started a sedentary lifestyle sitting at one place in the same position for hours. Such a lifestyle has an adverse impact on our health. We suffer from backache, neck pain, chronic muscle tightness, shoulder […]